I get asked this a lot.
I say put this in your coffee or your stir fries... not on your face.
This isn’t a complete bash at coconut oil, If it works for you, then great, keep using it.
But just because Shirley at work tells you she uses it for removing her makeup, moisturiSing her face and uses it as an aphrodisiac then it doesn’t mean you and your other 15 workmates should use it.
Coconut oil is highly comedogenic (which means it’s very likely to clog your pores and cause blackheads and breakouts) .... in fact, it’s one of the worst oils to use on your face. There are better ones to use if you really want to use an oil - Rose hip, Argan and Jojoba are good to use.
If you have DRY skin, then it may not be the absolute worst thing in the world to use as its leaves a barrier on the skin.... or some may say (me) it suffocates it. So, it stops any moisture from escaping. It will make the skin feel oily (obviously) and more comfortable.
Since the majority of people I see in my skin clinic are concerned with either acne, breakouts or rosacea..... then 9 out of 10 of them improve their skin when they stop the coconut oil (if that is their go-to product) and use a sensible skincare routine for their concerns.
It’s said be antibacterial, but there are better natural alternatives if you want to go down the natural route.